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Who Can Purchase A Policy?

Australian Residents
Australian residents who are eligible for Full Medicare Access can purchase the following policies if their journey begins and ends in Australia:

To be eligible to purchase a policy, you must meet our whole policy definition of an Australian Resident below:

'Australian resident’ means an Australian Citizen or a holder of a current and valid visa that allows you to stay in Australia for at least 12 months with access to long-term medical care in Australia (Medicare) or private health insurance that extends beyond the policy dates who:
- has a permanent Australian residential address, and
- agrees to be repatriated, if required, back to Australia under this insurance.

Age Limits
Comprehensive: Travellers of all ages
Medical Only: Travellers aged 69 or under
Domestic: Travellers of all ages
Already Overseas: Travellers aged 69 or under
Frequent Traveller: Travellers aged 69 or under

If you have already left the country, you can purchase our Already Overseas cover as long as you are an Australian resident with a valid, unrestricted Medicare Card and meet the eligibility criteria outlined for that policy.

1Cover policies are only designed to provide cover for Australian residents whose trips begin and end within Australia. We cannot provide cover for travellers visiting Australia.

You should read the PDS for full terms and conditions.

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All FAQ answers are based on the current effective PDS. If your policy is older than the current PDS, please contact us or refer to your particular policy.

Any information contained on this website is general advice only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider these having regard to the PDS.